Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Up, On, and Over the Ocean: My Trip to Byron Bay

This weekend I went traveling! Wash U pays for us to go on a free trip to Byron Bay, a beach town 3 hours south of Brisbane that is the Eastern most point of Australia. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore more of the country and also a great thing to do this weekend. We took a big coach bus from Brisbane to Byron. 

On our way the trip leader played Summer Heights High, an Australian comedy show. It really brought me back because I had watched it with a bunch of my friends back in high school. It's funny, but also horrible. And by horrible I mean NOT politically correct in any way. Actually, I'm learning that, um, people are less concerned about being politically correct here. I've had several interactions where this is the case, and they range from slightly uncomfortable to kinda appalling. I was told that this was a cultural difference to be aware of during orientation, but it was still shocking. I actually think that this is one of the hardest cultural changes that I've had to deal with since coming here. This reminds me that I'm a foreigner here living in another country, and although I really don't like this aspect of the culture, I need to be respectful. 

On a more positive note, Byron Bay was absolutely beautiful. When we got there we went swimming in the surf right away. The water was a crystal clear blue. We waded out a good ways, until we were past the break and could body surf a bit. The waves were the perfect size, and we swam for an hour. Then we laid on the beach for a bit before going on a long hike to the Byron Lighthouse and the Eastern most coast of Australia (below). We hiked up over the ocean and got an amazing view of the not-quite-sunset over the ocean and the many people surfing there (above). It was an amazing end to the first day.

The next day we all got up early and kayaked on the ocean. We were with a big group and they were launching the kayaks (not sea kayaking with a rudder, these were more like plastic top siting kayaks) out on and over the surf. So we had to make our way out over the crashing waves. My partner and I were the first ones to go, and thankfully we did not get knocked off by the huge swells. A lot of the other pairs did, and it took an hour to get everyone out. The waves were so big that the kayak was rocked back as we went over and then slid back down as they passed. We paddled around the bay to look for dolphins. Unfortunately, we didn't see any, but it was still so nice to be out on the water. I love any type of boating, with the wind in my hair and the smell of the ocean, I couldn't be happier! 

That afternoon we went surfing. This was the first time that I had ever tried to surf, and because I'm super clumsy I was expecting to suck at it. And well, I was kinda right. We learned how to position our boards, catch a wave, and stand up. I mastered the first two… but never really got up. I'm glad that I was able to try it (especially since Wash U was paying :P), but it wasn't my favorite thing to do. Especially since we had to wave through the surf to catch a wave, and it was super tiring after a morning of kayaking. 

That evening everyone was wiped. So even though we were taken to a bar with the group, most of us left early. Instead we got ice cream and sat on the beach, chatting and enjoying the sound of the ocean. This was perfect because I wan't planning on drinking that night because the next morning I was supposed to scuba dive at Julian Rocks (below). A reef, just off the shore of the bay. The site is right in the middle of the EAC (East Australia Current), so there are supposed to be a ton of sea turtles at the site (Think Finding Nemo!), as well as manta rays, and sharks. I was really excited to go, and it was going to be my first dive in Australia.

However, the conditions were too choppy the next day and the dive was cancelled. I found out today that there was a cyclone that landed in Cairns that was stirring up the water, and that's why we didn't go. t was sad, but I was already planning on diving the site with Unidive (uq's dive club, yes, they have a scuba club here!) later this month so I wasn't too devastated. Instead, I headed down to the beach. Most of my friends were still asleep and I was awake so I decided to have a bit of relaxing alone time. I brought my kindle and enjoyed a relaxing morning on the beach. It was wonderful to listen to the waves, smell the ocean, and lose myself in a good book. When I got back to the hostel I met up with some friends and we explored the little town of Byron. We window shopped, and had lunch before heading back to Brisbane in the bus that afternoon.

It was a wonderful weekend. It's so nice to be so close to so many amazing beaches along the coast. It made me want to travel on the weekends more!

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